Who makes up the big fifty – the most profitable companies in Montenegro
, NewsThe fifty largest companies registered in Montenegro achieved a total revenue of 4.34 billion euros, which is 27.3 percent more than the same group last year. According to data submitted by the Investor portal, based on financial statements, the 50 largest companies achieved a net profit of 263.5 million euros in total, 74 million euros more than the 50 largest from 2021.
Last year, the 50 largest had an average of 18,127 employees, which means that the net profit per employee was 14.5 thousand euros. The situation at the top Is even more illustrative: the first 10 companies achieved almost half of the total turnover of the 50 largest, i.e. 2.1 billion euros, while the collective profit of the first 10 amounted to more than 60 million euros. The top ten companies employed a total of 8,800 workers on average in 2022.
The largest company in terms of revenue is the state-owned Elektroprivreda Crne Gore (EPCG), which has a turnover of over half a billion euros. The second oil company is Jugopetrol, owned by the Greek company Hellenica, which generated 314.8 million in revenue last year.
The third Is the shopping chain Voli, with revenues of 312.3 million, the fourth is direct competitor Laković with 197 million, and the fifth is Uniprom, with 170 million in annual turnover. The Top 10 group also includes the mercantile chain Mercator CG, the oil company INA, and the state companies CGES, CEDIS and Montefarm.
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