Through the Solari project, 15,000 new panels are being prepared
, NewsThe implementation of conceptual and technical solutions and feasibility studies for the Solari 5000+ project is nearing the end, while the procurement of money, the provision of equipment and a public invitation are expected by the end of the year, and the installation of the first solar panels in the first three months of next year.
This information was communicated to Vijesti by EPCG-Solar-gradnja, a company that was formed by Elektroprivreda (EPCG) a year ago for the purposes of implementing the solar panel installation project.
They said that, when it comes to the Solari 10000+ project, the feasibility study and conceptual-technical solution have been submitted to the Government in order to secure money for its implementation through European Union (EU) funds, while the implementation of the project is expected in the middle or end of next year.
EPCG-Solar-gradnja is currently implementing a project to install solar panels through the Solari 3000+ and 500+ projects, and the company said that given the huge interest of citizens in solar panels and the large number of applicants for those projects, the decision was made to it does not stop at all, so in parallel with the current one, the conditions for starting the next project are immediately provided.
– The design and feasibility study for the Solari 5000+ project is nearing completion, and by the end of this year we expect its launch, i.e. we are starting with the procurement of money, provision of equipment and public invitation. The feasibility study and conceptual-technical solution for the Solari 10000+ project were submitted to the Government in order to secure money for its implementation through EU funds. We expect the implementation of the 10,000+ project already in the middle or at the end of next year – they said from this company.
As they explained, both citizens and interested companies will be able to apply for both calls.
Earlier, the president of the EPCG Board of Directors, Milutin Đukanović, said that the value of the equipment for these two projects is a total of EUR 110 million.
As part of the currently mentioned projects, as the executive director of EPCG-Solar-gradnja, Ranko Vuksanović, previously told Vijest, by the end of last month, solar power plants with a total power of one megawatt (MW) were installed for 200 households, and that when the project is finished, 45,000 megawatt hours (MWh) on an annual basis.
EPCG-Solar-gradnja now states that they have overcome various administrative problems and that the project is proceeding at an accelerated pace, and that 300 fitters are working in the field on a daily basis.
– We expect to install 30 MW by the New Year, which at current stock market prices is the value of freed electricity on an annual level of around EUR 18 million. Montenegro can be economically reborn by developing all the possibilities of renewable energy sources and this is where EPCG has designed a large number of projects because we are convinced that the field of energy is a huge potential that Montenegro must use – said the company.
More than 14,500 citizens applied for the current Solari 3000+ project. It provides for the installation of panels for the same number of households, while the Solari 500+ project foresees the construction of as many panels on the roofs of legal entities – companies and institutions. The users bought the solar panels under favorable loans, after which, according to the announcements, they will have electricity for themselves, and the surplus would be sold to EPCG.
The equipment is paid off in installments over a period of five to seven years, and it would, as estimated by EPCG, be lower than the previous electricity costs. After repayment, citizens and companies become the owners of the equipment and receive free electricity, and the surplus can be purchased by EPCG, eKapija writes.

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