The most expensive kilowatt in the region was paid by the citizens of Montenegro
, NewsThe price of electricity for households in Montenegro in the first half of this year averaged 9.7 cents per kilowatt hour (kWh) for the range of annual consumption from five thousand to 15 thousand kWh, Monstat announced.
According to Eurostat data, the most expensive kilowatt in the region was paid by the citizens of Montenegro.
Citizens of Albania pay 9.4 cents per kWh, North Macedonia 9.3, Bosnia and Herzegovina 8.3, and Serbia eight cents per kWh.
Residents of Denmark pay the most expensive kilowatt, 34.4 cents, followed by Belgium with 32.4 cents.
EU 27 citizens pay 23.5 cents per kWh.
“The aim of the research is to measure the absolute level of semi-annual prices for households and non-households. End users are characterized by pre-defined ranges of annual consumption”, the statisticians explained.
The methodology for calculating electricity prices is defined by European regulations, local media reports.
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