The government is working on a new legalization law

, News

The relevant ministry formed a working group which, at the suggestion of the profession, has teams for the standardization of space planning, construction and legalization, announced the minister Ana Novaković-Đurović.

The absence of planning documents was a stimulus for wild construction, which will be stopped by their preparation, said the outgoing Prime Minister Dritan Abazović at yesterday’s Government session.

The Minister of Urban Planning, Ana Novaković-Đurović, announced the drafting of a new law on building planning, which should speed up legalization. Yesterday, the government adopted the draft of the local study of the location of Donji Štoj, as well as the decision on amendments to the spatial and urban plans for Pljevlja and Žabljak, as well as changes to the DUP Sutomore-centar.

“We are working on a new law on spatial planning and the construction of buildings. The working group is divided into three teams and we are specifically dealing with spatial planning, especially the construction of buildings, and especially legalization, which is the recommendation of the profession. So we will try to solve all the problems of legalization observed in previous years new regulation in order to speed up the procedures”, said Novaković-Đurović.

He stated that the municipalities received 40,000 requests for legalization, and that only three thousand final decisions were made.

“That is a really unsatisfactory percentage, and one of the reasons is that the municipalities do not have enough capacity to process requests and that there is no planning documentation”, said Novaković-Đurović.

Abazović assessed that wild construction flourished because there were no planning documents, and the consequence is that now those who did not want to break the law and those who wildly built 20 apartments and earned income from them for 20 years have come to the same conclusion.

“It is a great injustice, but what can we do. It is better that at one point these facilities become legal than to permanently have a huge presence of illegal facilities”, said Abazović, who expects significant income from legalization.

The head of diplomacy, Ranko Krivokapić, believes that the priority should be to stop illegal construction, and only then to legalize it.

“If legalization is a priority, illegal construction will explode, because it implies that you will be able to legalize something you build”, said Krivokapić, who suggests that the rest of the free space, especially the coastal area, should be treated as protected areas, even though they are not formally under the protection of UNESCO.

-“It is enough to look at Budva and the devaluation and destruction of that space. Anyone who knows anything about the Western understanding of space will know that the price of every apartment in Budva will only fall, regardless of how the prices on the market rise”, said Krivokapić.

Abazović pointed out that the company Zaštita sprosta finally has to turn on the machines and remove illegal objects from places of strategic importance for Montenegro.

Novaković-Đurović said that they had a meeting with the Minister of the Interior on Friday regarding the demolition, because they have serious problems with the institutions that are obliged to provide them with assistance, namely the police, centers for social work, emergency services…

“We have had three failed attempts to demolish on Mali Brdo, because at the moment of demolition, children and pregnant women appear, and the centers for social work and the police should react there, because the building inspector cannot, nor does he have the legal authority to move the people who come to defend the demolition”, emphasized Novaković-Đurović.

Ana Vujošević at the head of the Directorate for Inspection Affairs

Ana Vujošević was appointed acting director of the Directorate for Inspection Affairs, and Jovana Krunić, Ivana Janković, Bojana Koljenšić and Olivera Popović were appointed acting directors in the Ministry of Economy.

Directors in the Ministries of Economy, Foreign Affairs, EU Integration, Marko Vukašević, Vladimir Vučinić and Ljubiša Pavićević, as well as State Secretary in the Ministry of Health, Elvis Omeragić, were dismissed, Analitika writes.

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