‘Stop Inflation’ campaign for suppressing inflation in Montenegro
, NewsMontenegro’s government, in cooperation with a number of retail chains, has launched the ‘Stop Inflation’ campaign, proposing lower prices for a basket of at least 25 essential products.
So far, six retail chains have joined the campaign – Voli, Mercator-CG, Hard Discount Laković (HDL), Domača trgovina (Aroma, City, Conto), Franca and Megapromet.
According to Goran Đurović, Minister of Economic Development and Tourism, the six retailers have revealed details of the products they are including in their ‘anti-inflation’ baskets, with the majority providing an even wider products at discounted prices.
‘Suppress Inflation’
Đurović invited other retailers to join the initiative “to help suppress inflation” and ensure shoppers can make more affordable choices.
Products included in the basket include eggs, chicken, cheese, milk, yogurt, potatoes, dried meat products, chocolate, coffee, as well as selected hygiene products.
The retailers must keep records of product types, prices and charged margins on individual items in the anti-inflation basket and submit them for inspection at the request of the government. Items within the same product category can be changed depending on availability and stock levels.
Standard Quality
The products selected for the anti-inflation basket must not be close to expiry (or have expired), have defects or any damage and must be of the same quality as standard products.
The new, reduced prices will be in force until the end of April, after which the promotion will be extended until 1 June with the possibility of changing certain items in the basket.
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