Portonovi doesn’t sleep even during the winter months
, NewsHerceg Novi – Portonovi’s holiday bazaar, organized as part of the celebration of the New Year’s holidays, is attracting great interest and an increasing number of visitors, both from Montenegro and abroad, announced the director of marketing and communications at the resort, Adrijana Husić.
She said that, as part of the holidays and celebrating the New Year, Portonovi organized a series of activities, one of which is Portonovi’s holiday bazaar, which will last until January 8.
“We are noticing greater interest and a very large number of visitors, and we believe that in the coming days, with all these activities that we are organizing, as well as the media support that we are receiving, we will have a larger number of guests, both from Montenegro and from abroad,” said Husić.
She reminded that, together with the bazaar, various other activities start, so workshops, performances and interactive lectures are organized for the youngest.
“In addition, we have certain musical activities and concerts almost every day, and we opened the holiday season with the concert of the Perper group,” said Husić.
She stated that there is also great interest in accommodation, which of course is not at the level of the summer months, because only our coast is oriented much more towards that period.
“Activities like these, marking different holidays, is one of the ways to motivate both people from Montenegro and from abroad, to maybe choose these destinations for their holiday destinations next year,” said Husić.
She stated that continuity is very important when it comes to the promotion of the destination and that is one of the reasons why Portonovi “doesn’t sleep” even during the winter months.
“We will certainly continue with different activities and try to attract people both in the pre-season and during the season itself,” Husić added.
She said that what the covid year taught them, and thus the year that is slowly behind us, is that we have to be ready for changes and adapt to them, to explore some new markets and attract people from different destinations, but also to create a new destination for them, local media reports.

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