North of Montenegro is slowly waking up thanks to the first serious investment

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The first concrete steps towards the realization of the first serious investment in the north of Montenegro, which would include the creation of around 100 jobs, were agreed upon. It is about the valorization of the Berane airport and the launch of the Wind Park, along with the construction of two new factories for the production of food and nano solar technology.

The German company Elite-private Jet Service is behind these projects.

This was announced at the meeting of Prime Minister Dritan Abazović and the President of the Board of Directors of the Airport of Montenegro, Eldin Dobardžić, with the German investor and owner of this company, Majko Štejnmiller.

As announced by the Government, the meeting discussed the possibilities of valorization and commissioning of the Berane wind park which would include two other activities in addition to the airport.

– The first concrete steps towards the realization of the first serious investment in the north of Montenegro, which would include the creation of around 100 jobs, have been agreed – they stated.
The wind park Berane investment would be implemented in multiple phases and in the first phase would include the reactivation of the Berane airport.

– After its reconstruction, which would include state-of-the-art equipment, the investment would be focused on the construction of two new factories related to food production and nano solar technology – the Government’s announcement reads.

As a reminder, the German investor has previously expressed interest in the valorization of the Berane airport, stating that he is just waiting for the Government’s response. As he said then, the plan is for a company with an American-Swiss foundation to invest EUR 30 million in the airport. He also announced the opening of two factories, which would increase the total investment to EUR 100 million.

The airport could be in operation only one year from the start of the project implementation and obtaining concessions, Steinmüller said earlier.

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