Montenegro, The Regulatory Agency for Energy and Regulated Utilities issued new licenses

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The Regulatory Agency for Energy and Regulated Utilities (REGAGEN) issued licenses to the company Adriatic Marinas from Tivat to carry out storage and retail trade in oil derivatives.

As announced after the last session of the REGAGEN Board, both licenses are issued for the period from April 11 this year to April 10, 2033.

– The license holder is obliged to, if he intends to continue performing the licensed activity even after the license expires, submit a request 60 days before the license expires – the Agency stated.

Also, at the same session, the Agency adopted the request of the company Hifa Oil CG to change the license for storage and retail trade in liquid petroleum gas, in such a way that a new facility, i.e. gas station, is added to perform that activity.

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