Montenegro, The Government changed the regulations on the visa regime
, NewsAt yesterday’s meeting, the Government changed the Regulations on the visa regime, so from now on, citizens of certain countries will need a visa to enter Montenegro, it was announced.
As stated by the Government, the Regulation on Amendments and Supplements to the Regulation on the Visa Regime was adopted.
– Montenegro is fully focused on and committed to European integration as its key foreign policy priority and, in accordance with this commitment, amendments to the Regulation ensure harmonization of Montenegro’s visa policy with the EU, as well as harmonization of domestic legislation and practice with EU standards – they clarified.
The Republic of Cuba has been deleted from the list of countries whose citizens can enter, cross the territory and stay in Montenegro for up to 90 days, with a valid travel document issued by the competent authorities of those countries, without a visa.
– In this way, Montenegro responsibly fulfills its obligations in the EU accession process – the Government stated.
The article that allowed foreign citizens with a residence permit in the United Arab Emirates to enter Montenegro without a visa and stay in it for up to 10 days was also deleted, which was motivated by the need to harmonize domestic legislation with the acquis of the EU.
– Also, after the exit of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland from the European Union, there was a need to amend Article 10 and extend it to holders of valid travel documents of that country, issued on the basis of the Convention on the Legal Status of Refugees from 1951 or the Convention on the legal position of stateless persons from 1954, as well as special travel documents for foreigners, that they can enter, cross the territory and stay in Montenegro for up to 30 days, without a visa – the Government pointed out.
Article 12a, which stipulates that representatives of foreign diplomatic and consular missions that cover Montenegro on a non-resident basis, can enter, cross the territory and stay in Montenegro without a visa for up to 90 days, were also added DKPs that cover Montenegro from the Republic of Albania, thus equalizing their status in terms of the obligation to obtain visas in advance.
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