Montenegro, Operators invested EUR 68.79 million last year
, NewsOperators invested EUR 68.79 million last year, which is 34.5 percent more than in 2021, the Agency for Electronic Communications and Postal Services (EKIP) announced.
The assistant to the executive director of EKIP, Pavle Mijušković, held a presentation at the Chamber of Commerce (PKCG) on Tuesday entitled Overview of the Electronic Communications Market.
He Informed the present PKCG members about the state of the electronic communications market, among other things, and the fact that electronic communication services are provided by 35 operators in Montenegro.
“There were no significant changes in the number of users (190 thousand) and the operator’s market share in fixed telephony. In mobile telephony, an increase in the number of users was recorded by 13.7 percent, penetration was 205.5 percent at the end of the year,” said Mijušković. He stated that 75.8 percent of the population is covered by the 5G network signal.
“The growth trend of users of fixed broadband Internet access continued, the number of users increased by 4.3 percent and amounted to 196.27 thousand.” Fiber optic connection is used by 46 percent of users,” said Mijušković.
According to him, speeds of over 100 megabits per second (Mb/s) are used by 55.64 percent of users, and speeds higher than 30 Mb/s by almost 71 percent of users.
“The total fixed Internet traffic increased by 47 percent last year, and the average monthly traffic per user by 41 percent.” Fiber optic connection is available to 71 percent of households,” EKIP’s announcement states.
Last year, the number of mobile internet users increased by 14.4 percent, the total traffic increased by 41 percent, and the average monthly traffic per user increased by 27.7 percent.
“The number of users of audio video media services increased by 4.6 percent last year. Shared use of electronic communication infrastructure has also increased, and almost all infrastructure has been mapped,” added Mijušković.
The DESI Index of Montenegro for last year was 35.1 and is the highest compared to the countries of the Western Balkans, although it is lower compared to the average in the EU. Mijušković informed the attendees about the plans of the Agency in the coming period.
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