Montenegro, Flynas airline has launched flights on the Riyadh-Tivat route

, News

The leading Saudi low-cost airline Flynas has finally launched flights on the Riyadh-Tivat route.

However, the flights will not, as previously announced, depart on June 1, but on July 1. The flights will be operated three times a week – on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays, until August 31. Airbus A320 will operate this airline.

The Zamaaero portal writes that it is surprised that Flynas does not have flights on the Podgorica-Riyadh route that were in operation last year.

– Does this mean that the company will transfer flights from Riyadh from Podgorica to Tivat, or just that it has not yet put flights to Podgorica on sale? Last year, the company flew on the Riyadh-Podgorica route once a week – writes the regional aviation portal.

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