Kotor hosts 9,580 tourists: A breakdown of accommodation and visitor origins

, News

According to data from the local Tourist Organization (TO) of Kotor, the city is currently hosting 9,580 tourists.

Among them, 7,780 are staying in private accommodations, 1,640 in hotels, 92 in hostels, and 69 in campgrounds, as reported by Radio Kotor from TO Kotor.

In private accommodations, the largest groups of guests are from Serbia, Russia, Turkey, the United Kingdom, and Bosnia and Herzegovina.

In hotels, the majority of guests come from the United Kingdom, the United States, Turkey, Israel, France, Germany, Denmark, Norway, Finland, and Serbia.

“According to the latest update from the Tourist Information Center, Kotor welcomed 930 cruise ship passengers on Thursday. Over the past week, the city has been visited by 20,900 cruise ship passengers. The largest groups were from Turkey, the USA, Poland, Israel, and the United Kingdom,” TO Kotor stated.

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