Decline in Montenegro’s tourism in 2024 sparks criticism and calls for strategic reversal
, NewsFormer Prime Minister of Montenegro and leader of the Civil Movement URA, Dritan Abazović, compared the tourism results of 2023 under his government with those of 2024 under the government of Prime Minister Spajić.
Abazović highlighted that 2023 was a record-breaking year for tourism, with the highest revenue and number of overnight stays since records began. However, he pointed out that 2024 has seen a significant decline, with nearly 800,000 fewer overnight stays compared to 2023. Despite higher service prices, the revenue difference is also substantial. He criticized the government’s attempts to manipulate these figures by claiming that tourists from Russia in 2023 were counted as refugees.
Abazović clarified that the number of overnight stays is based on the collection of tourist taxes in hotels, motels, and private accommodations, regardless of the reason for the visit. He emphasized that tourists, including Russians, contribute to the economy by spending money in restaurants, shops, and attractions. He also rejected the government’s claims, stating that tourists are not categorized based on their reasons for travel, and the idea that Russian tourists were not tourists but refugees is unfounded.
Abazović expressed concern that Montenegro is the only country in the region with fewer tourists in 2024 compared to the previous year, urging the government to focus on developing a strategy to reverse the situation. He remains optimistic about Montenegro’s future and stressed that the #Montenegro365 program could serve as a solid foundation for the country’s long-term tourism strategy.
He concluded by advocating for constructive dialogue and comparing results to improve the country’s tourism sector.

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