A surplus of EUR 65.8 million was achieved in the first three months
, NewsIn the first three months, taking into account the realization of revenues and expenditures, a budget surplus was achieved in the amount of EUR 65.8 million, or 1.1 percent of the estimated gross domestic product (GDP), the latest data from the Ministry of Finance showed.
The Ministry announced that the budget surplus in March amounted to EUR 39.9 million.
According to the data of the Ministry, budget revenues in the period January – March amounted to EUR 545.7 million or 8.8 percent of the estimated GDP and are 63 million or 13 percent higher than planned, while compared to the comparable period last year they are higher EUR 129 million or 31 percent.
The biggest increase was recorded in other revenues based on value added tax, as well as contributions for mandatory social insurance and donations and transfers – the Ministry’s report on budget execution for the period January-March states.
Revenues based on value added tax (VAT) by the end of March were collected in the amount of EUR 221.8 million, which is EUR 26.8 million or 13.8 percent more than planned and EUR 50.4 million or 29.4 percent more compared to the same period of the previous year.
Other revenues in the observed period amounted to EUR 39.9 million and are at the level of the budget revenue plan for this year. Compared to the previous one, they were achieved in the amount of EUR 35.2 million more, as a result of the transfer of funds collected from the implementation of the economic citizenship project – the report states.
The Ministry said that the continuous growth of contributions for mandatory social insurance continued in March and reached the level of EUR 99.8 million. The better collection of the contribution category is the result of the effects of the implementation of the Law on the reprogramme of tax claims, but also the increased basis for the calculation of contributions due to the increase in coefficients for the wages of employees in the public sector.
In the mentioned period, significant growth was also achieved in the category of donations and transfers, which were realized in the amount of EUR 34.7 million, which is 21.7 million more than the plan and 27.7 million more than the comparative period last year.
The growth of the mentioned category is primarily the result of the payment of funds from the European Union (EU), and on the basis of direct budget support for energy efficiency.
Revenues from excise taxes are increasing due to the termination of the implementation of the Decision on reducing the amount of excise duty for the sale of unleaded gasoline and gas oils.
In the period January – March, realized revenues from excise duties amounted to EUR 58.3 million and are higher than the planned 2.9 million or 5.2 percent, i.e. 1.6 million or 2.9 percent compared to the same period last year.
Revenues based on corporate income tax were collected in the amount of EUR 42.7 million and are lower than the planned EUR 13 million or 23.3 percent
The law on corporate income tax prescribes that income tax is paid by March 31, and bearing in mind that the last day of the month is recorded through the public sector accounting system as income for the following month, the recorded increase in income on this basis is recorded is in April – the Ministry added.
Budget revenues in March amounted to EUR 233.5 million, which is EUR 31.7 million or 15.7 percent more compared to the plan and EUR 49.3 million or 26.8 percent compared to the same month last year.
Budget expenditures for the period January-March amounted to EUR 479.9 million or 7.8 percent of the estimated GDP and compared to the planned they are EUR 94.6 million or 16.5 percent lower, while compared to the same period last year they are EUR 35 million higher. or 7.9 percent.
Current expenditures amounted to EUR 208.2 million, which is EUR 25.7 million or 11 percent less compared to the plan, while compared to the same period last year, they are EUR 36.2 million higher.
The capital budget was implemented in the period January – March in the total amount of EUR 13 million, which is at the level of 27.7 percent of the realization of the plan. Expenditures in March amounted to 193.6 million EUR and are lower than the plan by 10.5 million or 5.1 percent, while compared to March last year they are 41.5 million or 27.3 percent higher.
In March, capital projects were implemented in the amount of EUR 9.9 million, i.e. 63 percent of the plan, and the implementation of the capital budget is expected to intensify in the following period – the Ministry concluded.
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